Friday, December 11, 2009

What is the best type of makeup to use on big lips?

I have big lips.What is the best type of makeup to use on big lips?
It depends on whether you want to accentuate and draw attention to their size, or if you want to minimize their appearance. I find that big lips are beautiful---I have them too, but on some days, I just prefer to play them down and draw attention elsewhere.

As a general rule, dark colors minimize, and light colors maximize; which is why people wear black if they want to look slimmer, and why white or light colors make things appear larger. I find that exactly the opposite usually applies with lips and lipstick colors. It can be tricky with dark lipstick colors, because wearing a dark color on the entire surface of your lips will bring more attention to their size than if you wear a clear gloss.

So, if you want to minimize, use a darker or medium shade of lipstick and color just inside the natural lip line. I suggest using a flesh-toned lipliner to fill in your lips before applying lipstick, to prevent the color from bleeding.

If you want to enhance the lips, you can either you a pale lipstick or gloss (or both) to color in the entire lip area, so you can use a darker lipstick to color in the entire lip area, and top it off with a shiny lipgloss.

For a neutral look, just use lipbalm (chapstick) or a lipstick that's close to your natural lip color.


Neutral:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>What is the best type of makeup to use on big lips?
i would die for bigger lips, i prefer MAC';s lipstick and lipglass. you need to goand try some on to see which ones go with the look you are going with. i have about 20 of each. have fun trying them on
I personally think, soft pale lip colour with bolder eyes. Your lips already demand attention, no need to plaster them on a billboard!

Something neutral.
Sun protection. See website.

They have a lip protection balm.
Neutral colours. Not glossy, that would make them look bigger.

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